Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 2: Linus! You got some 'splaining to do!!!

Apparently, Barbie didn't enjoy the fact that her Christmas squeeze has a new "lady friend".  He is being questioned by the females!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 1!

He's baaaaack!  This year he brought a friend!  Everyone... Meet Lucy!!!

Something wicked this way comes...

The girls woke to a mysterious brown package under the tree.  Return address was the North Pole.  Apparently there is a magical mail delivery system from that location!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New blog

Well, I am going to attempt to start this blog to keep everyone up to date on the "Elfing" going on in our house.  The next few posts will be me catching up!  Enjoy!